‘How corruption keeps Nigerians in darkness’

Oladimeji Ramon
In May 2015, a Lagos-based lawyer, Toluwani Adebiyi, dragged the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission to court, seeking an order baring the commission from increasing electricity tariff until every household in the country enjoys at least 18 hours of uninterrupted power supply on a daily basis.
The lawyer, in his suit, complained bitterly about the alleged fleecing of electricity consumers in the country, by electricity distribution companies which refused to issue meters to the consumers but preferred to issue estimated and usually inflated bills.
But Adebiyi’s suit against NERC had yet to be resolved when several other similar suits, including class actions, were filed in court by consumers who were clearly fed up with epileptic power supply and unreasonably high bills.
One of such many cases was by another lawyer, James Ogunyemi, and his neighbour, Igiebor Solomon, who sued the Ikeja Electricity Distribution Company Plc for alleged unlawful disconnection and issuance of inflated bills.
The resort of citizens to litigation against NERC and DisCos clearly reflects the frustration of Nigerians as the hope of seamless and steady electricity supply in the country has become a mirage.
Though the power sector has gulped huge resources, which a human rights advocacy group, Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project, in a recent report, put at over N11tn since 1999, the country has nothing to show for it.
SERAP, in its said report, titled, “From Darkness to Darkness: How Nigerians are paying the price of corruption in the electricity sector,” linked the failure of the power sector to corruption and called for the investigation and possible prosecution of various players.
“Corruption in the electricity sector in Nigeria manifests by way of fraud, bribery, turpitude, misappropriation of funds, acquisition of illegal wealth, offering, giving, soliciting and acceptance of an inducement or reward that may influence the actions taken by any authority, its members or officers,” SERAP asserts.
For instance, the failure of electricity distribution companies to provide meters for millions of Nigerian households, according to SERAP, is underlined by and giving room for corruption.
“Most consumers are unhappy with the billing methodology and feel short-changed by the operators. Billings do not reflect actual electricity consumption in most cases,” SERAP observes.
This assertion was exactly confirmed by a class action, marked LD/1630CGM/2017, filed before the Lagos State High Court early this year by residents of the Onikan area of Lagos against Eko Electricity Distribution Plc and Ikeja Electricity Plc.
The claimants in the suit, Bisi Ariyo and Daniel Daniel, sued on behalf of themselves and all ‘unmetered’ electricity consumers in Lagos State “too numerous to be estimated.”
They alleged that both the EKEDC and the IE had willfully refused to allocate electricity meters to them and chose instead to issue inflated estimated bills to them.
The lawyer who represented the residents in court, Mr. Olumide Babalola, contended that the EKEDC and the IE had been acting in disregard of the provision of Section 8 of the Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission’s Methodology for Estimate Billing 2012 and sections 1(4), 2(7) and 8 of the NERC’s Meter Reading, Billing, Cash Collection and Credit Management for Electricity Supplies Regulations 2007.
The residents prayed the court to make an order mandating the DisCos to supply them with prepaid meters within three months of the judgment in the suit.
SERAP says alleged metering and billing fraud by electricity distribution companies ranks among undocumented cases of corruption in the power sector.
Thus, the organisation advised that “attention should be focused on petty corruption,” because “petty corruption in the electricity sector has not received much attention from the media and civil society organisations.”
To address the problem of estimated billings, SERAP thinks that the DisCos must begin by “undertaking initiatives to re-number and re-classify all electricity consumers in Nigeria for the purpose of issuing new meters.”
“The DisCos must undertake a proper and comprehensive collation of all power consumers in their jurisdictions before issuing new meters under the direct purchase or CAPMI system,” it adds.
As observed by the organisation, the Nigerian electricity sector has witnessed many interventions but all to no avail, mainly on account of poor leadership and corruption.
Among such interventions is the privatisation of the sector in 2013 under President Goodluck Jonathan.
According to SERAP, corruption started to creep into the process even right from the bidding stage.
It says, “Most of the companies that won the bids had no prior experience in the power sector and little or no capacity at all to manage the sector. The privatisation of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria would appear to have yielded the country total darkness.
“The lofty goals of privatisation were marred by the sale of the sector to preferred bidders that could not pay the bid value on the sale, instead the BPE encouraged the deferment of payment and restructuring of payment terms in contravention of bidding rules to the disadvantage of other bidders.
“Most of the acquiring companies only managed to put together acquisition finances without the potent capacity to source or attract post-acquisition funding to upgrade the generation and distribution infrastructure.
“Government has had to further intervene by way of funds ejection, guarantees and assurances despite privatising those assets,” SERAP says.
It adds that, “After the privatisation of PHCN, the Nigerian government retained substantial stakes in the distribution companies, which means the government is entitled to part of the profit. Surprisingly, for about four years, some of the companies recorded only losses while at the same time paid outrageous salaries to a select few.”
The organisation, therefore, calls for a probe of the privatisation process, adding that the Federal Government should consider fully divesting its stakes in the power sector so as to allow for efficient, decentralised sector governance by the federal and state governments in line with the provisions of the Second Schedule, Paragraph 13 and 14 of the Constitution.”
Another intervention that has hit the rock allegedly on account of corruption was the Rural Electrification Agency, where according to SERAP, an alleged fraud of N5.2bn remained unresolved till date.
Apart from making efforts to revisit and resolve the alleged N5.2bn REA fraud, it is SERAP’s suggestion that “The Federal Government should back down from the rural electrification initiative and allow states to undertake rural electrification through their respective local government and development areas.”
“The funds designated or earmarked for rural electrification should be channeled through the states in line with the Decentralised Energy Options model and strictly monitored,” it says.
But apart from corruption, the failure of the nation to enjoy steady electricity is also blamable on state governments, who are  not alive to their constitutional role in electricity generation, says SERAP.
SERAP, therefore, charged the 36 state governments to “wake up to their rights, duties and obligations under the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria relating to the power sector by working to promote and ensure access to regular and uninterrupted electricity supply for all resident within their states.”
“The 36 state governments should begin the setting up of state electricity regulatory commission to license private companies to engage in off-grid electricity generation, transmission and distribution, including renewable electricity, captive electricity generation, rural electrification and others.
“The report concludes that vesting the Rural Electrification Agency, Rural Electrification Funds and the Rural Electrification Project in the Federal Government is patently unconstitutional. The 36 state governments should sue the Federal Government to challenge this infraction of the Constitution.”
Source punchng. 


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